Thursday, February 12, 2009

EO Water Questions

EO Water Questions

With all of the amazing properties of EO Water, why isn’t it more widely accepted? What it will take to for this technology to turn-the-corner and be utilized at its full potential?

An answer to questions like these is as simple as education. As I talk to researches around the country, they are curious but not surprised. They are used to it; they are all college professors after all.

As I talk to clients, they are always amazed that this technology is so underutilized and continue to find benefits to their operations bottom line.

How could you use EO Water?
-Reducing your carbon footprint as part of a sustainable green cleaning program
-Extending the life and safety of perishable foods like meat and produce
-Applying as a High Level (medical grade) disinfectant to provide a physical-kill to MRSA, C.Dif spores, and MRAB
-Replacing harsh detergents in all kinds of washing machines, dish, laundry, and carpet

Contact Greg at

Thursday, December 4, 2008

more EO water uses

Recently I've been impressed with uses friends have found for the EOW. Everything from pretreating laundry stains to removing baked on foods from pans and stove tops.

Aside from high level disinfection I know the local hospital uses EOW for most general houskeeping duties like cleaning windows, mopping floors and so on.

Yesterday I got a call to do another mold remedation consult. Once again it was EOW to the rescue saving a widow hundreds of dollars.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What are the benefits of EO Water?

EOW has so many uses it is exciting to think of the possibilities. When it comes to effectiveness, there are few alternatives as promising as EOW.

As a disinfectant, it is superior to anything we have ever used. It can provide a 6-log kill in even the most difficult circumstances. This includes Multi Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) like MRSA, VRE, TB, and even C.Dif spores in less than two minutes of dwell time.

Part of the reason for this effectiveness is the kill method. It does not use a chemical like a quat, phenolic, or hypochlorite (bleach) as the kill mechanism to poison the bugs (chemical kill). The kill method is physical, meaning it destroys the cell wall. In the case of EOW, the cell literally explodes. It is like comparing being poisoned to being stabbed. If poison is taken in small enough doses eventually, a resistance can be developed. Due to over/incorrect use of antibiotics and improper use of disinfectants, MDROs have evolved and become one of healthcares biggest challenges. Hence, the “superbugs” we have heard so much about.

As a multi-purpose cleaner, it is highly effective. Because of its microstructure it can penetrate and break down bio-film eliminating the substance microbes create to protect themselves from disinfectants among other things. It can also be used in floor care machines, both carpet and hard floor. Anywhere a detergent is used this multipurpose cleaner can be used. This includes dishwashers and laundries.

Like the disinfectant, the multi-purpose cleaner is totally green. Because it is produced on site, there is no packaging, shipping, or disposal issues. The carbon footprint is zero from cradle to grave. It is safe for the environment as well as the user. Both fluids can be aerosolized with no ill affect to the user. In the Environmental Services/Housekeeping industries, this has become an increasingly important health issue. In fact, an EVS worker is several times more likely to develop respiratory related problems than any other healthcare discipline.

Less labor is required to use EOW. Neither the disinfectant nor the multipurpose cleaner leave any residue behind so there is no rinsing or build up of any kind. Depending on the cleaning protocol, EOW can either reduce the frequency of cleaning or the amount of effort required to clean a surface.

These are some of the benefits of using EOW for healthcare applications. You will probably discover even more.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What is EO Water?

What is EO Water? This is the most commonly asked question so it is fitting that the first post for this blog explains it in common terms.

The EO is short for Eletrolocized Oxidative and describes the process which is similar to electrolysis. EO water is often abbreviated as EOW.

EOW is produced in a generator that polarizes a dilute salt brine. This is accomplished by running an eletricical current through an anode and cathode, usually coated with platinum or other precious metal and separated by a membrane. This process changes the waters' properties dramatically.

The results of this process produces two different fluids. One is an acid water with a pH of about 2.4 and an ORP of 1180. The other is an alkaline water with a pH of approximately 11.4 and an ORP of -850. Depending on the generator manufacture the pH/ORP mixture is adjustable.

This technology is not new, however the ability to stabilize the fluids in recent years have given this technology new life.

Like so many technologies the US is not the first one to the table. Japan, the United Kingdom and others have been using EOW for some time now.